Monday, February 3, 2014

DAY 1: Insecurities And Those Darn "IF ONLY'S"

Well I will make this short because no one likes reading a long blog post.
I work as a dental assistant and my co-workers, well, lets just say that they are the girls where they can eat twenty donuts a day and never gain weight. Both of them don't work out. One just had a baby and came in to visit us 2 weeks later and it was if she never was pregnant. No left over baby fat for her, no sir.  You want to know the honest truth, it definitely makes it harder not to think of why your body cant be that way and be insecure. How truly blessed they are to have bodies like that, I hope they see how beautiful they really are everyday. You always find your self in the "If Only's" when it comes to weight insecurities. IF ONLY I could be as thin as her. IF ONLY I could not have to work out. IF ONLY I didn't have to have the trial of getting overweight. If only, if only, IF ONLY!! JUST STOP THOSE THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW! I realized three things from this,
1. You are not someone else, you are you, and you are enough.
2. IF ONLYS hold you back from reaching the true happier healthier you.
3. They make you lazy.

Comparing yourself to others is a waste of time and emotional output because, and I hate to say it but, YOU WILL NEVER BE THEM. You can only be you. No one person is the same. The only one you can control is yourself.  Easier said then done right? When it comes to making an effort of getting rid of sweets, actually taking time before I go to work to get workout clothes ready so I can force myself to go to the gym, and eating healthier, I suck. I am so lazy and that is another cause to why It has taken me so long to get back in shape. So, today I decided that I would completely take out sweets, not completely sugar yet because I like my cereal in the morning because its fast but Im going to try and stay away from eating out, cookies, that sort of thing. It may not see very big but it is HUGE for me. Hopefully I can be stronger than my negative thoughts.

One of the most important things I could say for Day 1 and possibly out of everything is....

GET CLOSER TO CHRIST!!! Go to the temple, read your scriptures, anything! Just find that connection between you and God. I have gone to the temple everyday last week and I will bear my testimony on this, any negative thoughts in my mind were vanquished. I found it easier to go to the gym and I am getting happier and happier each day.
Do something active and stay positive, even if its walking around one block or just walking into the gym and walking right back out. Don't get down on yourself if you didn't workout for 30 min, just say something positive to turn it around, "Hey at least I got off my butt and went to the gym." IMPROVEMENT don't stress if you miss a day get back in it. TRUST ME I know it works and it helps so you don't feel sorry about yourself so much and helps you think that working out is possible.

I thought it would be a short entry and it wasn't so Im sorry readers whoever you are, if any of you actually read this.


*Went to the gym and ran for only 7 minutes did a few arm exercises on workout bands while watching a TV show, 30 crunches, and planks for 30 seconds.
* Couldn't go to the temple because it was closed.
*Made the decision to stay away from sweets. Had my last Chocolate Chip Cookie for a while. :( Sad day.
*My Mile Time: 11:20 (Shaved off 3 minutes! YES!)
*Weight: Still 188 lbs


  1. You're amazing to do this! I hope you're okay if I follow your journey. It'll help me, as I'm in the process of losing weight, too. I miss you! And you are beautiful! :-)

  2. Jill, you are awesome! I'm not sure what gym you go to but if you ever need a buddy let me know :) Last week was the first time in my life that I picked up a cupcake and then set it down. It felt so good....and I was so shocked! haha You go girl!

  3. Vanessa, I cant tell you how much it means that you actually want to follow my journey! really thank you.

    Nicole, I am so grateful for your words of encouragement and kindness you share on facebook. It seriously brightens my day.

  4. Jill, I really love this blog! Ever since I got married exercising and eating right has been such a struggle for me too. I haven't had the trial with my weight, but I do know what negative thoughts can do. You are awesome for starting this blog and I really look up to you! If you ever need a temple buddy or exercise buddy, I live in Logan! :) Just let me know, you can message me on facebook or something. :)

  5. Kristine, I go to the temple everyday after work and I definitely would love for you to join me!! I will let you know on a day we can plan for. :)

  6. Jill! Wow! I just found your blog and I am sooo very proud of you! :)
    It shows that you were willing to listen and be in tune to the Spirit that you acted upon the inspiration you were given......I love you soooo Much!!!

  7. Yaaay Jill! You are such a cute and creative writer, I really enjoyed reading this! You can't give up cause I'm hooked on your blog already! !
