Tuesday, February 4, 2014

DAY 2: The Blessing of The Temple

Ok I have to make this one short because I have so much to do already before I go to bed. Day 2 started  out with negative thoughts, blah blah blah you're to tired to workout blah blah blah you look so fat. But they soon went away once I went to the gym to work out. Its amazing how just simply exercising makes you happier about yourself. I faced a few things today, saying NO! I have such a weekness went it comes to food, its tastes good so I eat it and eat more and more of it. We have so much strength inside us to resist. All it takes is a forceful yelling, "NO!" in our minds and its amazing how empowered you feel. Your happiness is increased by a simple two letter word.

I went to the temple today to do endowments which are 3 hours or a little less I think. People, People hark ye to these words I speak. THE TEMPLE WILL HELP YOU!!!!!!!! If you are struggling with eating, weight, anxiety, loneliness the temple can cure you! I started going to the temple because I was in such a dark place about my body and all the negativity that consumed me. My amazing mother, who's knowledge is beyond her years, told me, "Just go to the temple and it will help you want to work out more and you will become the person that you miss, 'the happier healthier you'." I was so done with crying over my weight almost every night that I decided I would do anything to be happy again. My mom told me that don't stress about working out, the only things you need to focus on is, going to the temple at least twice a week, reading your scriptures, and saying your personal prayer. I was glad I didn't have to combine everything on my list to where it was overwhelming. I put aside the rest of my list and just focused on that. Next thing I know Im wanting to workout and Im night and day happier. EVERYTHING FALLS INTO PLACE IF YOU PUT THE LORD FIRST!

Special moment at the temple, I was leaving and saw one of the patients that goes to our dental office who is an older cute grandpa. I got to talking with him after saying hi, he recently lost his wife 3 months ago and shared some special moments about her that he explained he didn't really share with many people. How truly blessed I am to have gone to the temple to have that special experience with this old man who clearly loved his wife but was so positive about everything and told me some things I needed to hear. Heavenly Father, you work in mysterious but oh so wonderful ways. Thank you for the love you show me through other people.

*Went to work till 5:30
*Went to the gym for 12 minutes (Just jogged 3 laps and walked the last one) FYI you do not need to do much just get out there!
*Didnt eat a single treat or chocolate chip cookie today!
*Went to the temple for 3 hours (I like to round up) haha
*The Temples are the key!
Weight: Still 188 pounds (I will get there!)


  1. JIll......oh my gosh! I am truly grateful that you are starting this now in your life.....and not waiting until you are 48 :):)! If you remain faithful and diligent your life will be changed for the better and your new family will benefit immensley!!!
    If you falter ...then just get right back on and all will be well with you!
    You are sooo Awesome! I love you!!

  2. Ps. I am deffinately following your blog and whenever I start to feel weak ...I am going to reread all the things you have shared for added strength :)!

  3. pss. So funny enough I was struggling with strong sugar cravings (pms..is the time that can be most difficult for me) and instead of dreaming of sugar cookies which I sooooo craved and it being a good thought to the point of (when can I get home and make me some?) to realizing that it is a negative thought just like any other because it is coming from the same source (the evil one) who does NOT want me to be happy and likes to tell me lies ...like "It will make you feel happy eating those cookies and give you comfort etc. etc) But the truth is that it is like any other unhealthy urges in which it feels good for the moment but it brings a long...time of suffering for it afterwards. In otherwards, I would have loved eating those cookies for the moment....but then it would weaken my body and my mind and open myself up or actually invite even more negative thoughts about my self and life etc. to start coming in again... soooo, while this continues to be a weakness of mine....I need to consider these thoughts as negative destroying thoughts and push them aside as quickly as I can....:)

    Sooo good timing on your blog!! :)

  4. You are wonderful, Jill! When's the next post arriving? ;)
