Monday, February 3, 2014

The Start of Forever!

I named this post accordingly so because, well, staying in shape is a forever thing. I cant just say, "Oh, Im thin again now Im free to just let it go and stuff my face." I either stay overweight, fluctuate back and forth in an emotional roller coaster, or I can stay a happier healthier me. Im mainly starting this blog to see if it will help me stay motivated. The trial run begins........NOW!

Well weight has been huge since getting married, I have gained 28 pounds since high school! GASP! I know, I know, I just really need to kick it into gear. Well  Im about to say something that would embarrass any girl to admit to those who may read this, I weigh 188 pounds. But heres the thing that I have come to realize throughout my life, EVERY BODY IS DIFFERENT! My most healthiest weight was 155 pounds in high school. I have done sports my whole life, until now. I was born muscular and that is not just something I've convinced myself to think to make me feel better. I was born with more muscle than most girls. Just think of me as a white Samoan girl, except that I dont have such a witty humor or infectious laugh like most Samoans seem to have. This is a blessing and a curse. A curse because my thighs have always touched because lucky me I have muscular thighs and calfs that say they want to take up most of the space, I am not and never will be a model. But I am ok with that because the blessing of being more muscular is that I can beat my brother in a arm wrestle, I scare my husband sometimes because if he is purposefully playfully trying to hurt me, I bring it right back ten fold, and now even though Im out of shape I cant still outlast most girls when it comes to moving boxes or lifting heavy things for a long period of time. But I need to say, NOT EVERY SKINNY GIRL IS WEAK, I am not trying to say that I am better that most girls or what not. I hope with writing this blog it will encourage and give me a way to vent all my insecurities and turn them into positive things. My purpose with this blog is to become a healthier happier me. :)

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